Body Image Campaigner Wins Australian of the Year

I’m so pleased that positive body image campaigner, Taryn Brumfitt, won Australian of the Year 2023 for helping women love their bodies. Taryn being awarded this honour is a win for all of us. I couldn’t stop nodding when I listened to her acceptance speech and watched her Australian Story video. It’s nice to know that another woman felt as shocked as I did when she looked in the mirror after having children. You may have seen her film, Embrace, on Netflix. Taryn encourages women to be healthy and love their bodies just as they are. She encourages a mindset,
It’s about the way that we feel about all of ourselves… and it is learning to move, nourish, respect and enjoy our bodies because you can’t look after something you don’t love.
My favourite comment she makes in her acceptance speech is about imagining what we could do if we took the time and energy we spend worrying about our body and spent that time on something productive. I encourage you to watch Taryn’s acceptance speech and Australian Story video on the ABC website.
As the founder of a women’s lingerie brand, I’m in a position to help encourage positive body image. My vision is to harness the confidence women feel when wearing traditionally sexy lingerie and empower women to feel like that every day. Candis women’s underwear is about celebrating who you are every day, not just on special occasions. Whether you’re going to the shops, the gym, work or on a date. Wearing comfortable women’s panties that make you feel good is a foundation from which to spring into each day. Candis underwear is underwear for every woman. Imagine what women could achieve if we felt confident all day, every day.
Positive Body Image Challenge
So, instead of looking in the mirror today and criticising the parts of your body that you don’t love yet, I challenge you to look in the mirror and focus on the positive things your body has done:
That tummy… made a baby, it literally made a human from scratch!
Those thighs… hiked the Inca Trail (seriously! It’s a long story; let’s just say that a broken heart plus alcohol can lead you up a very steep path with a llama and only squat toilets, in the pouring rain)
Those arms… have the power to stop tears by giving the warmest hugs
And smile at the wonderful things in life that your body has made possible.