Candis underwear made the cover!

Candis Creations featuring the new line of underwear made the cover of this week’s edition of Canberra City News! See the full Canberra City News article on page 23.
The article from Canberra City News delves into the origins and motivations behind the establishment of Candis, exploring the foundational concepts that led to the creation of women’s lace undies. This innovative approach merges the aesthetic appeal of pretty lingerie with the practical comfort of women’s underwear, available for purchase online.
I felt a rush of excitement when I learned that the local magazine showed interest in the story behind Candis underwear. However, it was beyond my expectations to find myself lucky enough to grace the cover – a truly thrilling surprise! Additionally, it was quite shocking and unexpected to catch sight of my nice underwear prominently displayed as I passed by the magazine stand, pushing my trolley brimming with groceries!
The article was complemented with an interview on local radio station, 2CC Canberra.
On the cover, I am wearing Amity in pink panties so, click here to purchase your pair!
I would like to express my gratitude to Canberra City News and 2CC Canberra for actively sharing the story of Candis!
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