Historical Love Tokens

Flowers and chocolates are probably the most common love tokens today. But how would you feel if your partner gave you a spoon as a love token? Sure a spoon can be useful. But does it really scream I LOVE YOU! Or would you give your partner your handkerchief (well, probably a tissue these days) as a token of your love? Today, these items are seen as utensils with no romantic affiliation. In fact, we’d probably be quite insulted or grossed out if someone gave us a tissue! But these items have played an important role in people’s love lives throughout history.
A Spoon As a Love Token
If a Welshman gives you an ornately carved wooden spoon, it’s his way of saying “I love you”. Welsh Love Spoons date back to the late 1600s. They’re decorative wooden spoons that have been hand carved. The handle of the spoon is ornately decorated with romantic symbols like hearts. Traditionally, these spoons were painstakingly carved by hand out of one piece of wood. Men would make them as a romantic gift for their beloved. The time and effort taken to create the love spoon was a reflection of his love.
A Love Token Handkerchief
In medieval times, handkerchiefs were a sign of wealth. Women gave their love interest a (hopefully clean) hankie as a love token because it was something of personal importance. Giving a Knight your favour was a public way of showing your interest. Handkerchiefs often had initials on them or the family crest and were sometimes embellished in lace. The handkerchief was also often handmade by the gift giver. Lace love tokens are romantic. A modern take on a lace love token is Candis white lace underwear. Like traditional handkerchiefs, Candis pretty lingerie is embellished with romantic lace.
Practical Gifts
Practical love token gifts were also popular during medieval times. Items such as a brooch used to fasten clothes before buttons were invented, belt buckles or even an engraved spur that could be worn into battle. Candis pretty underwear is a perfect modern take on this medieval tradition. Candis undies combine comfortable underwear and lace lingerie to create a beautiful yet practical pair of women’s underwear.