It Takes a Village to Open a Lingerie Shop

It’s National Families Week! A time to celebrate our family by spending time together, connecting and recognising how our family supports us. Candis Creations is a family-owned and run women’s underwear business. So I feel it’s important to celebrate the role families play in family-owned businesses. I’m very grateful for my family and the support they’ve given me in launching my Candis lingerie shop. It wouldn’t have been possible to launch Candis pretty lingerie if it wasn’t for the support of my family.
Candis Lingerie Shop – Keeping it in the Family
Running a family business means that everyone in the family is involved. No matter how big or small their role, it’s important. Whether it’s counting stock one pair of lace lingerie at a time, spreading the word about Candis women’s lace underwear or providing tech support. A family run business means that my family has had to put up with our walls being covered in life-size drawings of women’s lace underwear while I decide which designs to produce.
Being a family business also means that shop talk has no boundaries. The topic of women’s lingerie is never off the table, literally – it’s often the topic of dinner table conversations! Many ideas for Candis Creations have come from passing time during long road trips by bouncing around business ideas.
How to Celebrate Families Week
We often take our family and their unconditional love for granted, knowing it’ll always be there. But National Families Week is a great opportunity to take time out to say thank you. Here are some ideas on how you can show them your appreciation:
- organise a casual family get together
- bake them a cake or a special meal
- look through the family photo albums together and take time out to reminisce
- FaceTime family who live far away or send them a letter or card
Everyone in my family has contributed to taking Candis pretty lingerie shop from a dream to reality. So I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to my family for all their support!