Pink Food You Didn’t Know Existed

Looking at the Candis Creations pretty lingerie website, it’s obvious that pink is a favourite colour. Every order of Candis women’s underwear also comes beautifully wrapped in tissue paper with the signature pink Candis seal. When we think of pink things, we think of flowers, Candis lace briefs, lollies, watermelons and much more. But there is a lot more pink food that we don’t see every day. Here is a list of pink food I bet you didn’t know existed!
Name a Pink Food
Name a pink food – pumpkin! Pumpkin? But a pumpkin is orange. Try again. Pineapple! Pineapple? But pineapple is yellow. Radicchio! Radicchio? But radicchio is red. Not anymore! I was surprised to find out that there are such things as a pink pumpkin, pink pineapple and pink radicchio!
Pink Pumpkin
The pink pumpkin is a hybrid variety called the Porcelain Princess or Porcelain Doll. They are very sweet and used primarily for cooking. They have light pink skin and orangey flesh. In America, the sale of pink pumpkin seeds is used to raise money for breast cancer research through the Pink Pumpkin Foundation.
Pink Pineapple
The pink pineapple is called a Rosé pineapple and is a genetically modified fruit that’s been in the making since 2005. The outer skin is still yellow but the inner flesh is pink. The pink flesh comes from the presence of lycopene which is a naturally occurring substance in other red and pink fruit like tomatoes and watermelons.
Pink Radicchio
Pink radicchio (or Radicchio La Rosa del Veneto) is an italian vareity of radicchio mainly grown in Veneto, Italy. Unlike the pink pumpkins and pink pineapple, the pink radicchio is a naturally occurring plant. It’s just been rare until now and isn’t grown commercially. It has a less bitter taste than the red radicchio variety that we’re used to. I’d actually get excited about ordering a salad if it was pink!
Pink Chocolate
A discussion about new pink foods isn’t complete without discussing ruby chocolate. I first heard about ruby chocolate on Master Chef and I couldn’t wait to try it! Ruby chocolate is made using the naturally occurring ruby cocoa bean. The discovery of using the ruby cocoa bean to make ruby chocolate was the first chocolate innovation in 80 years. Ruby chocolate naturally tastes like berries. It’s a beautiful colour that makes amazingly pretty hot chocolates and chocolate treats.
The growing popularity of these pink foods shows that it’s not just Candis Creations who likes pink! At present, ruby chocolate is the most readily available new pink food. So next time you head out for a ruby pink hot chocolate, fully immerse yourself in the pink experience by wearing your Candis pink panties!