You shall wear pretty and comfortable underwear!

It’s Monday morning. You’re determined to wear your pretty lingerie today. You have so many pairs, but you never wear them because they’re too uncomfortable to wear all day. You open your underwear drawer and you’re faced with two options.
Pretty lingerie that’s uncomfortable
Your pretty but uncomfortable lingerie that you feel you should get some wear out of because you paid so much for it. When wearing this pretty underwear, you walk briskly and with purpose like you’re on a mission. On the outside, you look confident. People move out of your way because you’re coming through! But you have a secret. You are determined and on a mission. But it’s not the mission people think. You’re not on your way to an important executive meeting to knock ‘em dead. In reality, your purpose is to walk as briskly as possible to the closest bathroom to pull out the wedgie your lace lingerie is giving you and your mission is to resist all temptation to rip it off right there and then because it’s itchy and on its way to third base! You spend all day regretting this choice of nice panties.
Comfortable undies that aren’t pretty
Your comfortable but ugly (and let’s face it, probably beige) cotton, sensible underwear. You know this underwear will be comfortable. It’s been worn so many times that it’s becoming see-through, baggy and the elastic is going. It’s old faithful. That is until you’re running through the airport trying not to miss your flight and the elastic is so loose that your beige nana knickers start falling down and end up around your knees. We’ve all been there. These ladies’ undies are comfortable, but they don’t make you feel good about yourself. They don’t make you feel feminine and ready to take on the world.
Candis comfortable and pretty lingerie combined!
But then there’s option 3. Comfortable cotton underwear with pretty, soft stretch lace detail with comfortable fabric trim. Depending on your mood and outfit, you could wear the pink, black, white, light blue, blue or coral. It’s your Candis underwear! Your Candis underwear that is the best of both worlds – comfortable and pretty. You’ll feel confident wearing your Candis underwear. You feel feminine and ready to take on the world whilst being comfortable! So, with Candis ladies’ underwear, you shall wear pretty and comfortable underwear!